
NE Chrome 45mm Extension

Limited Stock

45mm width Chrome Extensions are available in 500mm, 750mm and 1000mm to be used with the latest X-Joint technology pole sets for all models purchased 2014-onwards. These extensions are used with the SPORT (NS), XPERT (NX) and the latest X-Stages (which also use X-Joints). If you are unsure which version you own (2010 - 2013 model or the 2014 - onwards model) please get in touch with us, so that we can assist. 

These extensions will extend your 45mm X-Pert or Sport pole to accommodate ceilings higher than 2745mm. You may also need to shorten the overall height of your X-Stage/X-Stage Lite to use indoors with ceiling heights lower than 2900mm

Important Note: X-Joints are not supplied with the extensions. Each extension requires an X-Joint unit to be purchased in addition. However, as every X-POLE set is supplied with 3 pieces of X-Joints; additional joints may not be needed. If more are required please see the X-Joint section. You will need to check which joints are required to match the extensions being used. Again, we are only to happy to help so please get in touch with us at 
